Note: NYC is always changing and religion is growing, so it is no surprise that the number of mosques in the city has increased since 2010. For our updated 2015 figures go to: “Mosque City New York. All-time record number of 285 mosques in New York City.”
As of today, A Journey through NYC religions has counted 175 mosques in New York City. The most commonly used figure in current media reports is 100+ mosques, a figure that derives from a 1999 study.
The 2000 Religious Congregations and Membership Study estimated a mere 86 Muslim congregations. Ishan Bagby and his colleagues of the 2000 Muslim Mosque Study Project counted over 120 mosques in NYC. They expect to publish a new count in February 2011.
The total number of mosques in the city is certainly much larger than our count. The Moslem population by all accounts has been growing quickly. We will update our numbers from time to time.
There are no reliable figures for the population of Muslims in New York City. Estimates range from 200,000 to 1,000,000. Based on our study, we would estimate that there are about 600,000 Muslims in the city.
The diversity of the Muslim community of New York City is unique in the United States. In the city there are large numbers of Muslims from Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia, India, Pakistan, Palestine, Turkey (and Kurdistan), Yemen and elsewhere. African Americans make up a significant portion of the city’s Muslims, and there are a few Spanish-language mosques. New York City also is the main entrepot of African Muslims, who then spread out to the rest of the country. One New York Muslim leader jokes, “We have become tabouli!” (a mixed salad of chopped onions, tomatoes and parsley).
In comparison Los Angeles, which has a large Muslim population, tends to attract those who have lived in the U.S. for a while. The Detroit area has a large concentration of Arab Muslims, particularly Yemenis (who are also found in large numbers in Brooklyn).
The 2007 Pew Survey of Muslim Americans estimated that there are 2.35 million Muslims in the United States with 65% being foreign born. African Americans make up around 20% of U.S. Muslims.
There is great controversy over those figures. In 2001 a National Opinion Research Center study concluded that there are between 1.5 and 3.4 million Muslims in the United States. The Mosque Study Project found that mosques report 2 million Muslims associating with their mosques (350,000 weekly attenders) and estimated that 6-7 million people identify as Muslims. The outsized estimate is a function of the method of asking mosque leaders to themselves estimate how many people identify with the mosque.
Whichever total population figure one uses, the Muslim population in New York City has been growing rapidly since the 1970s.
[Part III: ]

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You make some claims that are easy to make but harder to prove. What is your proof that Muslims are our enemies? Also, at this time, it is unconstitutional to require a religious commitment. Are you ready to convert to Presbyterianism or Roman Catholicism, perhaps the earliest forms of Christianity in the Americas?
We should be alarmed about the increase of Muslims in America. They are our enemies. Their religious obligation is to be against the Jews and the Christians. We should deport them to two islands–one for the men and one for the women. If they want to come back home to America, they must convert to Christianity.
Hi Jack,
Or we can see that so many Muslims have come to US because they do recognize and wish for democracy. We should ask our Muslim audience what do they think. I think we might do something like that. Thanks!
This number was at 2010 now around 300 ,,and that very bad sign for the future of the USA as a democracy country open her land for the people who don’t and didn’t believe in democracy or human rights,,this state and the city of new york which suffered from the largest terrorist attacks in the history by frantic terrorists Muslims open there city for those again
Dear All, I am Mohammed Abdul Faheem ( a SOCIAL WORKER) from Hyderabad, India running Social Welfare Society and initially started a free home for poor and orphans namely SIDRA CHILDREN HOME providing free food, free shelter, free education, etc etc.
You assume that the American democratic experience has so little effect on people of faith.
It may seem to those that believe in the Bill of Rights that we have nothing to fear from the growing presence of Islam here in America but wait until they can control who gets elected. You will see the U.S. constitution burned and sharia law become the law of the land.
The estimates of the number of the Muslims in the US run from 1.6 to 7 million. The 2011 Mosque study, which is a careful study, found that there are 2106 mosques in the US with 2.6 million attenders. Of course, mosque attenders may go to multiple mosques at different times of the day to pray. So, attendance is not a good tool for estimating the number of Muslims in the US. The PEW Center estimated that in 2010 there were 2.6 million Muslims in the US. By their projections in 2014 the number of Muslims in the US is perhaps 2.8 million or more.
I was Wonder !! How Many Muslims In usa now ?
Many people have gone into music as a way to convey their utmost devotion
to faith. Will you be featuring some Islamic music?
How many masjid in new york state??
I want to encourage you that no matter what you are going through, Jesus loves you more than you think and he can change your life from inside out. I know that you have been going through very difficult situations, problems, and troubles in your life. Don’t be afraid because Jesus knows all your problems, circumstances, troubles, and everything else that have been going on in your life for years. I know that you have been in the hospital. Jesus will never stop loving you because you are treasure in God’s eyes. I know that you are afraid of many things by asking yourself: Why do I have to deal with all these problems in my life. Only Jesus can truly set you free. Don’t let anything bother you because Jesus has set you free from everything that you have been dealing with because Jesus Christ came 2000 years ago and gave his own life for you so you could go free from everything that have been holding you down….
If you think that you are not good enough or you have done way too many mistakes, it doesn’t matter to Jesus because he sees you clean because you are so precious to him. You are like the most beautiful flower to Jesus Christ and he is making you even better than you are if you let him. You are so awesome and amazing to Jesus Christ and me. Jesus Christ has a great plan for you.
Give all your baggage to Jesus because nobody can help like Jesus. Jesus can’t wait to become the best friend with you because he wants to take everything that you are trying to carry. That’s exactly what I did because one day I said to Jesus: it’s enough and Jesus said: you don’t have to carry all your trash anymore so he took everything that used to bother me….
Come to Jesus as you are and he will accept you who you are the same way like he accepted me. …
This will help you!!!!!…
Please let me know if you need any help or have a prayer request!!!!!
thank you very much Mr Carnes
I appreciate it if you help me with getting information about current situation of muslims in US. Whether by refering me to a particular person or website or any other way.
Thanks a lot
Hi Milad,
There are many Muslims in the United States. Muslims are growing in number and building mosques and community organizations. There are Muslims in leadership in all parts of American society. Would you like me to refer you to a local iman who could give you his understanding of the current situation for Muslims in the United States?
Thanks for your communication. Best!
Im a muslim
I dont live in US but Im planning to move there soon
Are muslims in US respected or not ?
Do americans treat muslims well or not ?
Thanks! We really like people who take time to think through our site. And we like thoughtful comments and helpful suggestions.
We haven’t done a Facebook invitation but will look into it. Thanks!
I took a glance and am impressed. Looking forward to getting some time to really digest it and the rest of the site too. Have you created a facebook invitation?