Sizzle/POP! Saint John Paul II meets NYC pop artist Andy Warhol in 1980. Photo illustration: A Journey through NYC religions
Journey Retros on disruptions and catastrophes. Creativity rarely flows out of an act of complete originality.It is usually the clash of two value systems or traditions, which, in collision, create a transcendent third thing.
Journey Innovation Retrospectives. Jacob Riis brought a new way of doing journalism and photography in order to realize certain religious values.
Journey Dowser Retrospectives. Journey Retros hope to find religious innovations buried in NYC’s past that can be recycled. We practice “history that you can use.”
Churches massively mobilize in Ferguson. NYC faith leaders asked A Journey about what are the churches doing in Ferguson, Missouri. Exclusive footage from morning church services.
OpEd: Is the public school a religion-free zone? There is a mythology that in the public schools religion cannot be mentioned, the Bible can’t be taught, and religious expression is prohibited. As we gear up for a new school year, here are the commonly accepted guidelines for teaching the Bible (and religion) in the public school.
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