Mel Rosenthal, Girls in hijabs at Al Noor School, ca. 2001. Courtesy of the Museum of the City of New York and the photographer.


Last weekend to see the exhibit Muslims in New York @Museum of the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Ave at 103rd St., Open Daily 10am–6pm.




What are Muslims thinking today?

Muslim Americans express a persistent streak of optimism and positive feelings. Overwhelmingly, they say they are proud to be Americans, believe that hard work generally brings success in this country and are satisfied with the way things are going in their own lives – even if they are not satisfied with the direction of the country as a whole.


U.S. Muslims are pro-America




Foreign born Muslims are very diverse in their origins


No single country accounts for more than 15% of adult Muslim immigrants to the United States (15% are from Pakistan). The countries with the next-highest totals are Iran (11% of Muslim immigrants), India (7%), Afghanistan (6%), Bangladesh (6%), Iraq (5%), Kuwait (3%), Syria (3%) and Egypt (3%).


No single country is origin for more than 15% of foreign-born U.S. Muslims



Religion is very important to Muslims, contributes to NYC being “post-secular”


Measures of various beliefs and practices have been relatively stable among those who identify with a religion (e.g., Protestants, Catholics). The current survey shows a similar pattern among U.S. Muslims. About four-in-ten Muslims say they attend religious services at least weekly, and a similar share say they perform five daily prayers (salah). These numbers have changed little since 2007. In addition, about four-in-ten Muslim women say they always wear hijab in public, almost identical to the share who said this in previous surveys.

If there is one measure that shows a modest decline in religious observance among U.S. Muslims over the past decade, it is in the share who say religion is very important in their lives: 65% now say this, compared with 69% in 2011 and 72% in 2007.

Slight decline in share of Muslims who say religion is very important to them since 2007



Three-quarters of American Muslims say that there is little support for extremism within their community


Despite their concerns about extremism in the name of Islam in the U.S., about three-quarters of Muslim Americans say there is either little or no support for extremism within the American Muslim community, including 30% who say there is “not much” support for extremism and 43% who say there is “none at all.” Just 17% say there is either a “great deal” (6%) or a “fair amount” (11%) of support for extremism. A bigger share of the U.S. public overall (35%) believes there is at least a fair amount of support for extremism among Muslims living in the U.S.

Most Muslims say there is little or no support for extremism among Muslims in U.S.

Click here for more from the PEW survey of American Muslims, 2017 


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