- Jacob Riis. Photo restoration by Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- The Celestial worship at sanctuary in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Photo: Pauline Dolle/A Journey through NYC religions
- Celestials before the altar. Photo: Pauline Dolle/A Journey through NYC religions
- Chanting at Puchao Temple on Eldridge Street. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- @Assafa Islamic Center. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Eldridge Street Synagogue Sanctuary. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Assafa Masjid, God’s Row Eldridge Street, Lower East Side. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Mel Rosenthal, Girls in hijabs at Al Noor School, ca. 2001. Courtesy of the Museum of the City of New York and the photographer.
- Sheikh T.A. Bashir specializes in reducing the abuse in relationships. He runs a Muslim certificate program at New York Theological Seminary. On Stockholm Street across from Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Bushwick, Brooklyn. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- The ladies of Mt. Paran Baptist Church, Bushwick, Brooklyn. Photo: A Journey through NYC religions
- Katherine Leary Alsdorf, founder of Center for Faith and Work, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Manhattan. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Bushwick Cemetery
- Dolan grimaced over the anti-immigrant rhetoric during the last few years. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Tap dancer Andrew Nemr
- Tony McCrow speaks with elegance about Thanksgiving and the Islamic faith.
- Thanksgiving Dinner, God’s Row, Eldridge Street
- Preparing for Thanksgiving, God’s Row Eldridge Street
- Reverend Johannson praying for the Billy Graham gathering at Flushing Meadow Park, Queens on June 26, 2005. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Tzu Chi Buddhists meditating and praying for the world
- The faiths at 911 Museum
- A few things against Hillary
- Neighborhood hero Pastor Catherine Owens of BedStuy. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- An origin of Memorial Day
- Sense & Sensibility at L’Eglise Baptiste de Bethanie, Jamaica, Queens. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Hilary Clinton says that she has long admired evangelist Billy Graham, but voters are uncertain about her faith. Here she walks with Franklin Graham, with her husband and Rev. A.R. Bernard of the Christian Cultural Center in the background. At Billy Graham Crusade, New York City, 2006. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Newtown Reformed Church, Elmhurst, Queens. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- From “6 Jewish Things to Do During The Jewish #Jonas Snow-mageddon, The Jewish Forward
- Mothers & Grandmothers. Illustration: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions. From “Blessed Assurance of steel pan drumming”
- Photo: Pauline Dolle/A Journey through NYC religions.From “Baptists get under the hood in #BedStuy, #Brooklyn”
- Lighting a candle & prayer on D-Day, 12 Noon, June 6, 1944 at Saint Vincent de Paul’s Church, Manhattan, NY. Photo: Unknown/OWI Collection Library of Congress. From “Prayer on Veterans Day”
- A Witness to Peace: a multi-religious gathering with Pope Francis, September 25, 2015. From “The New York Times: NY this week: A Holy City”
- Linda Sarsour during the Eric Garner protests last year. Photo: Pauline Dolle/A Journey through NYC religions. From “At 911 Memorial Muslim activist hope Pope will vouch for their peacefulness”
- Muslim immigrant from Mali during group interview by A Journey in Highbridge, Bronx. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions. From “How many Muslims in NYC?”
- Propaganda NYC. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions. From “Propaganda’s Justice & Charleston”
- African mosque and market in Harlem. Photo: Melissa Kimiadi/A Journey through NYC religions. From “The immigrant era of NYC Muslims”
- Young Richard John Neuhaus was sent to grow up in Cisco, Texas. From “Richard John Neuhaus. A new biography on a NYC priest in the public square”
- New York City September 1942. Photo: Edward Gruber/Library of Congress
- Mary With Flowers, Lower East Side, Manhattan. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions. From “The Catholics of Metro NYC”
- Rabbi Shimon Rivkin, director of Shabbaton
- Memorizing Qur’an at Assafa Islamic Center. Photo: Christopher Smith/A Journey through NYC religions
- Walking toward Foley Square, Nate Barksdale of All Angels Church displays a call to battle. Photo: Pauline Dolle/A Journey through NYC religions
- Baptism! July 26, 2014, Cornerstone International Fellowship, Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Painting by A Journey through NYC religions from photo by Derrick l
- Generations. Illustration by A Journey through NYC religions from photo by Jillian Schmid
- Long service at The Upper Room of Prayer, South Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Photo: Pauline Dolle/A Journey through NYC religions
- Joy in Brooklyn.
- Anticipation builds before the opening of Shiloh Seventh Day Adventist Church food pantry in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
- Basketball players and pedestrian on Eastern Parkway, Crown Heights. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- La Finca del Sur. Photo: David Gonzales/New York Times
- Ethiopian Hebrews. Photo: New York Public Library
- Daddy Grace, 1938. Photo: James Van Der Zee
- Street scenes in 1950s included Sunday School Day Parades. Williamsburg Church of God. Courtesy of church
- Anniversary Day of the Sunday School of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Brooklyn, June 1944. Photo; Howard Hollem/U.S. Farm Security Administration_Office of War Information_Library of Congress.
- Jews Praying On Williamsburg Bridge in 1909. Courtesy of Library of Congress
- Williamsburg. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- East Harlem Church burns down, kills several. Fire Department Tweet
- Ganesh watches writers while they pray for inspiration in the church pews at Atlas Cafe, Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Reverend Tim Keller
- State Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr. led a large anti-gay marriage rally in 2004 in the Bronx. Diaz also has shown tenderness toward gays afflicted by AIDS/HIV, something that doesn’t come across necessarily in his politics. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions.
- Journey reporters have traveled thousand of miles and visited thousands of churches in last three years. In September Journey reporter Melissa Kimiadi interviews Bishop Rudolph C. Roach founder of his church in South Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Bishop Roach keeps his door open every day of the year for people who need counsel or advice. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
- Journey editor
- Hindus on the Hudson. Photo: A Journey through NYC religions
- Yoga in East Harlem
- John McCandlish Phillips, noted NY Times journalist and religious believer.
- Protection on Livonia Avenue, Brooklyn
- Journey reporters Christopher Smith and Melissa Kimiadi walk into room in which Apostle Pauline McKnight told them that she was confronting a demon. Photo: Melissa Kimiadi/A Journey through NYC religions
- Evangelic prayer service on corner of Fox and Longwood 1982. Photo by Ricky Flores
- God’s Row Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn
- Bill De Blasio ( 2nd left), Councilman Fernando Cabrera, Pastor Bill Devlin, Pastor Rick Del Rio (2nd right), Comptroller John Liu
- Handel’s Messiah in Harlem
- Phillip Foster grows vegetables, fruit, grapes and holds Bible studies for the poor, the elderly and the shut-ins.
- In the sanctuary that his father built.
- The Conversator
- Ninety-three years of Sunday mornings
- National Cemetery at Midnight on Memorial Day. Click image to enlarge.
- Judgment Day in front of Grand Central Terminal
- Primitive Christian Church on the Lower East Side
- Reverend Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church
- Rev A R Bernard of Christian Cultural Center, East New York, Brooklyn
- Brother James shows some moves from his former life.
- Muslims worship on the street on the East Side, Manhattan.
- Church and City.
- Afterschool Kids @ Operation Exodus, photo by Jeffrey Rodriguez
- Waiting
- Sanctuary of Resurrection Church was built in 1892.
- Chaplain’s Memorial @ Coast Guard chapel, Staten Island

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