Gegrapha, a fellowship of Christian journalists
Features on journalism by A Journey through NYC religions:
New York Times new President/CEO says Christianity is based on objective truth
Renown New York Times reporter John McCandlish Phillips died Tuesday morning in Manhattan
New York Times photographer Neal Boenzi’s eye on religion
Sympathetic Objectivity Part 1
Sympathetic Objectivity Part 2
Sympathetic Objectivity Part 3
Sympathetic Objectivity Part 4
Journey Workshop on postsecular New York City and journalism
PBS releases updated feature on A Journey through NYC religions!
Faith-based mass media innovation

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He said in this video (near the end) he even wrote an essay on “Jeremy Lin and my own faith.” Two thumbs up, Mike!
Like Jeremy Lin, here is another Asian American who is a Harvard graduate and evangelical Christian, plus a New York Times reporter/editor. In fact, he converted to Christianity at Harvard!
like this
Not all evangelical’s believe in the rapture? (9:20) It also sounds like some of the NYT Christians are ashamed of the gospel by not wanting others to find out they are Christians.
Is this the report that you are referring to?
Yes, like this too.
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Luo practices sympathetic objectivity. His description about reporting how faith is lived out in everyday lives is a first step. Next, a reporter with sympathetic objectivity needs to show how religious practices and innovations can contribute ideas and inspiration for every person of other faiths and nonfaiths. The reporter as a dowser. The NYT accomplished this aspect today in the metro story about how a Judaic congrgation is trying to bring back the disaffiliated. So this article is useful for any group trying to do the same thing, even a secular business. NYT, sympathetic objectivity by an investigative reporter like Luo…check.
Wow, great report, great find !! Very interesting talk, a great example of your “sympathetic objectivity.”