Javi Collage

Collage by Darilyn Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions



Monday, December 24, 2012

Oh! No!

Christmas is here and I am still in this place! This is hard, painful. True, my body suffered in that mountain, but now my heart is suffering.

I speak with my mom, and I cannot not stop my tears. She also had hoped that I would spend Christmas Eve with my uncles.

But it is not to be. Our two hearts are a little bit broken during this night

It’s been more than two months since I’ve seen a familiar face. I have been in this place about a week. I want to be out or want be deported. I want to be home.

My lawyer tells me that that all my information checks out. She already has gone to court to talk to the judge and the judge said that I am allowed to stay here in the United States, temporarily. Now, I will begin my case to ask for a visa or residency. My uncle knows all of this, and my lawyer told me that my uncle will buy the ticket for my flight this week.

So, this makes me a little bit happy because I know that at least for New Year’s night I will be with my uncle and forgetting all of these past troubles. I trust you, God. The Big Apple, New York City.

Now, I am nervous and exited! I hope I can sleep tonight.


Monday, December 31, 2012 

God, I have a question for you. Do I deserve this suffering? Am I doing something wrong to be punished like this?

I was supposed to fly to New York two days ago, but all the spots were filled. God, why did you not save me a spot this week? I am so mad. I have been patient for almost 70 days, and this is my reward!

Uh, oh.

I am sorry, God, that I am complaining with you, but I cannot take it anymore.  Missing Christmas was okay, I understand and I accept it, but to have to stay here for New Year’s also is not easy for me.

The two most wonderful days of the year to share with the family—it is not easy to hear my mom crying for me. What has she done that she must suffer like that? I just want to make her happy. Instead, I am making her unhappy. It breaks my heart.

Okay,  I cannot do anything about that. The only thing that I ask of you, God, is to take care of Mom and Isamari. Give them happiness so they can enjoy this day. My flight is now planned for January 2nd, 2013. Thank you, God, have a good night.




Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wow! I am in New York City, the Big Apple, the world capital and the city that never sleeps!

I already spoke with my mom, and she is very happy. I am so happy to see my uncle again. I have not seen him for 10 years.

I am in a dream state.

Now, I will fulfill all of my dreams and goals! Everything will change for me and my mom and sister! This city looks wonderful.

But the skyscrapers scare me. …

They are amazing, too. The most amazing is my first train ride! I feel like I am flying!

All the suffering that I went through. Now at the end of the journey, I think it is worth it. I know my dad was right.A person has to go through suffering and pain to realize a dream. Like Jesus.

Even though he was a king, he had to die by the worst punishment during that time — being crucified. He suffered a lot but he accepted it because he knew that he was going to be raised from the dead. I reflect that hope fulfilled in Jesus is why I was able to handle all of my own suffering. I realized on the journey that he was never going to leave me alone.

Now, I am here in New York City with my uncle, thanks to my God! A new life and future awaits me. I can do it! Everything is possible for those who persist.




Project “Javi’s Story” managed by Pauline Dolle.

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