My father,Jose Alberto Reyes Romero, tells me, “Don’t worry, my love, if you believe that God is bigger than your circumstances, you don’t have to fear.” A son of God should never give up. Portrait by A Journey through NYC religions
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Today, the doctors called to say that my father had died.
Now, my father is in a simple and brown coffin, which is placed in the living room. The coffin is surrounded with beautiful purple and white flowers and red roses and lilies. It looks like a garden. In his black pants and white dress shirt, he looks very handsome.
I am staying with my mom and sister, thinking, What are we going to do?
Tomorrow, I will have to wake up very early in the morning. I will help dig the hole for the coffin. This won’t be easy. My father will be buried by 4:00 pm.
Why did my superhero have to go? Why did the best father in the world have to leave me alone? Now, who will be with me when I get my high school diploma or my college degree, or when I get married? Dad, why did you have to go? A sword has crossed our hearts…
Sunday 27, March 2011.
I cannot believe it. My father is under the ground.
This morning I stood in front of his coffin and I saw him through the small window of the coffin, so I spoke with him like he was alive, telling him how much I love him, and how much I will miss him, and asking him when he is going to wake up.
During the funeral for my father, the tears are running down our faces. It is amazing how many people have come to see him for last time. My father was so friendly and respectful that he made hundreds and hundreds of friends. I really do not know how many people come to our house, but I do know that the 150 chickens my family bought to feed them were not enough. Every hour new people come, and others leave. I am very busy attending to these people.
My last words to him were, “Daddy, while you are resting and sleeping very comfortably, do not worry about mom and your daughter. I promise that I will take care of them. It does not matter how much it costs, you taught me to be a strong man and now it is time for me to take the responsibilities of home. They will be okay with me. Thank you, Dad, for everything. This young man that is in front of you, will become a man.”
Then I left him. My dad’s brother and mom’s brothers took the coffin to the cemetery. I threw the last flower onto his coffin before he was buried at 3 PM.
My mom hasn’t said any words yet and my sister cannot stop crying. What should I do? Please help me, God; we have lost a big man, the best father and husband. Now I have to help my mom and sister try to sleep. Dad, we will be waiting for you in our bed, please do not be late. I love you.
Next: what is life without father?
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