New Life Fellowship, Queens Boulevard, Elmhurst, Queens. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions
Update: all services cancelled. Only 2 services at @newlifenyc tmrw. 10:30 & 12:30pm. No kids ministry programming.
— Rich Villodas (@richvillodas) January 23, 2016
Interesting tweets of faith during the Blizzard
We gave out 100’s of coats, hats & clothes at a family shelter & on the streets in #HuntsPoint#Bronx yesterday pic.twitter.com/ERb6nQduXk
— Reggie Stutzman (@ReggieStutzman) January 23, 2016
@kathrynlopez prayers for you & all Disciples of Life stuck in snow from FrMcGivneys tomb at St Marys #KofC #OPPower pic.twitter.com/gqKduD3mln
— Fr Jon Kalisch (@frjonop) January 23, 2016

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Thanks, Mike!
Did an interesting experiment. Businesses are required to clear their sidewalks but some stop at the curb. So, pedestrians, particularly older people with canes and grocery carts, come to the curb in order to cross the street and are met with a wall of snow with a lake of slosh. Consequently, many walk around in the street. Very dangerous, possibly dirty.
So, at each business, I asked if they would consider doing me a favor and tell their shovel guys to next time to clear the ends of the sidewalk leading into the crosswalk. Got some hemming and hawing about how busy they were. I told them to consider the elderly and do what they could. And if they did, I would pitch in to shovel once a day also to keep it clear also. Came back last night and all the curbs had a clear path to the street! Great job by these businesses on Queens Blvd and 51st Ave in Elmhurst, Queens!
No more seniors going for groceries walking down two very busy and dangerous streets (one of them locally is called “the boulevard of death”).
I was reminded of your active involvement in local people’s lives in Texas. Much more than my kibitzing.
Wonderful pictures…and short stories in tweets.
There is something pure and serene when objects are covered with white snow. The snow covers all the dirt and filth. It is still just beneath the surface but for a little while it is abated and there is a sense of warm and peace…something we all long for…something that is built into each of our DNA…but will only be experienced in a sincere faith in Jesus Christ.
We are still praying for all there… from Texas.
Great shot of you too…Tony. As beautiful as the snow is…as powerful as the storm was…I am so glad to be in South Texas away from it all…been there, done that and bought that T-shirt/parka…too many times in my life. Lol!!