Recipe for Carol Gelles’ Orange Glazed Asparagus with Almonds
You will need:
2 tablespoons sliced almonds
8 ounces fresh asparagus
1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon orange juice, divided
2 teaspoons butter
½ teaspoon grated orange rind
Salt to taste
1. In a dry skillet toast the almonds over medium-high heat for about 3 minutes.
2. Prepare the asparagus by holding the middle of each stem in one hand and snapping off the bottom with the other.
3. In a 9-inch skillet, bring 1/3 cup of orange juice to boiling. Add asparagus and cook, turning, to the desired doneness. Remove asparagus to a serving platter.
4. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon orange juice, butter, and orange rind to the skillet. Cook, stirring until the butter has melted. Add salt to taste. Return the asparagus to the pan and turn to coat. Remove to a serving dish and sprinkle with almonds.
Recipe from the This & That…More than a cookbook.
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(212) 787-7600
B’nai Jeshurun is Spirituality, Community, Activism, & Growth
It is a nearly 200-year-old non-affiliated synagogue located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. We welcome all, no matter the path traveled.
Shabbat Morning Services. Passionately traditional, boldly innovative, and deeply spiritual, Shabbat services at BJ are like no other. Join us on Shabbat mornings for soul-stirring prayer, infused with melodies from across the Jewish world, brought to life by our extraordinary musicians, and deepened by the wisdom of our tradition, calling us to renew our commitment to building a world of justice, dignity, and peace.
Church of Saint Paul & Saint Andrew (86th St. and West End Ave.)
(on the North East corner)
Please check the Schedule of Services for locations and times of services.
If you would like Kitchens of Faith to feature your recipe, please contact me at nycreligion@live.com.

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