Waterfall Gallery presents “Sea Beyond”, a Makoto Fujimura solo exhibition. It will feature Fujimura’s recent works, a monumental “Sea Beyond”, a 33’ triptych done only with Japanese oyster shell “gofun“ executed in Brehm, Fujimura’s studio in Pasadena, and “Golden Sea – A New Song”, which took two years to complete in Fujimura’s Princeton studio with unique gold/silk layering technique. Also included in the exhibit are brand new “Walking Upon Sea” large painting, small watercolor series “Mercy’s Gardens”, and Lichtenstein editions of new silkscreen “Golden Sea” prints.
Fujimura states: “The new paintings are part of generative works coming out of a dark period in my life, including the recent loss of my mother who was an educator and who saw my gift of art very early on. My memory of her taking me to Kamakura cove has influenced both ‘Golden Sea – A New Song’ and ‘Sea Beyond’. Both paintings are a new vista of possibilities that I see beyond the horizon of death and life. ”
Waterfall Mansion & Gallery
170 East 80th Street, New York, NY 10075
Exhibition Dates: May 15, 2019 – August 10, 2019
Click here to visit the Waterfall website to know more about SEA BEYOND exhibition.
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