At the Scene with First Things by Kevin Gallagher:
“But this year there was some justification for the enthusiasm. For the first time, a vice president visited the march, and the president tweeted his full support. One did not need to be a Trump supporter to applaud the administration’s reiterated promises to defund Planned Parenthood and appoint pro-life justices. For the first time in many of our lifetimes, there’s a clear political path to the end of abortion. And compared to the enormity of abortion, which the Trump administration has pledged to fight, most faults are forgivable. Buffoonery, corruption, arbitrary executive orders—these cannot be worse than the butchery of millions…
At the March for Life, no efforts were made to police the ideology of the marchers. Feminists for Life, some stalwart Democrats for Life, and a pregnant woman carrying the quixotic poster: ‘End Abortion: Abolish Capitalism’ walked side by side with the #MAGA caps and monarchists. All political differences faded in a cause greater than any government.
Behold the baby in the protection of the womb … when we intrude there … we have nowhere safe left to go — @CardinalDolan @MarysShrine
— Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) January 26, 2017
NYC Catholics buses rumble down to Washington, DC on morning of March
Buses came from:
The Bronx
St. Barnabas, St. Lucy, Holy Cross, St. Raymond
St. Peter and St. Paul Church, St. Anselm’s Church
.@Cardinal_Wuerl, @CardinalDolan and @CardinalSean prayed with faith leaders at the @March_for_Life! #WhyWeMarch #USBishopsforLife
— DC Archdiocese (@WashArchdiocese) January 27, 2017
From Manhattan
St. Agnes, Holy Innocents, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Vincent Ferrer, Sacred Heart of Jesus, The Catholic Center
Immaculate Conception Center, Resurrection-Ascension, St. Jospeh’s, Immaculate Conception, Holy Family Church
Staten Island
S.I. Right to Life Committee
New Yorkers in the Orthodox Christians for Life
Demonstrators @March_for_Life
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) January 27, 2017
NYC Radio personality and writer Eric Metaxas spoke at March and prayed for Madonna
@ericmetaxas: “This is the inclusive march, where as long as you are alive…you are welcome…” @EWTN @EWTNNewsNightly @laurenashburn
— EWTN News Nightly (@EWTNNewsNightly) January 27, 2017

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