New York City Mayor Eric Adams today created the Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnership (OFCP). The office — created with the signing of an executive order by Mayor Adams — will be led by Pastor Gilford Monrose, who will serve as a conduit between city government, the faith-based community throughout New York City, and nonprofit organizations. OFCP will seek to improve the welfare of all New Yorkers and will be housed within the Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit (CAU).
“Our faith community has gone above and beyond the past two years, working tirelessly to keepour people fed, safe, and healthy, mentally and physically,” said Mayor Adams. “It’s past time that the city recognized the critical role they play in uplifting people across our city. I have had the privilege of working alongside Pastor Monrose for several years and have gotten to witness firsthand his talent for building bridges between diverse communities. I thank him for joining our administration in this newly created office and look forward to working with faith leaders across our city to ‘Get Stuff Done.’”
Pastor Gilford Monrose, executive director, Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships said, “Mayor Adams has always recognized the important work faith leaders across our city do to help the most vulnerable New Yorkers, and this new office will engage these communities to address issues affecting our city, from gun violence to hate crimes, and uplift people across the five boroughs.”
“The Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships reminds us that though we may travel on separate paths to our respective houses of worship, there comes a time when we of many faiths must walk together as one family with strength and support for one another,” said Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, executive vice president, New York Board of Rabbis. “We are a divided country but spiritually we are a united community.”
“The Muslim Community Network proudly endorses the significant need to have Mayor Adams’ new Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships,” said Dr. Debbie Almontaser, CEO and founder, Bridging Cultures Group Inc. “This office gives voice to the multi-religious communities of New York City — an important voice that has not been heard. In partnership, we people of faith will stand shoulder to shoulder to care for beloved communities in every neighborhood across the city.”
“I am very happy to see the creation of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships,” said Evan R. Bernstein, national director, Community Security Service; and co-founder, New York City Interfaith Security Council. “Thank you, Mayor Eric Adams and the City of New York.”
“Mayor Adams has always been a leader who has approached issues with a holistic perspective. The expanded Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships further exemplifies the mayor’s leadership approach,” said Rev. Charles O. Galbreath, Ph.D., senior pastor, Clarendon Road Church; and associate dean, Alliance Theological Seminary.
“The Buddhist Council of New York, and the multiethnic communities for which it represents, is extremely excited to support Mayor Adams’ new Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships,” said James A. Lynch, president, Buddhist Council of New York.
As believers in the Supreme Universal Being, we all have a place in community and a role to uplift, care, and protect each other,” said Acharya Vijah Ramjattan, founder and president, Madrassi Association Inc. “While we rely on our individual faith traditions for guidance in our day-to-day lives, collectively as residents of one city, we hold on to one truth, that we are each other’s keepers and trust that God acts through us. I commend and congratulate Mayor Adams on the establishment of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships as this office, among many things, will serve to ensure we, a city of faith, lead with faith.”
“A society is as healthy as the people that comprises them and the institutions created by the people,” said Pastor Warner A. Richards, Psy.D., MHC-LP., assistant to the president, Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. “The Seventh-day Adventist Churches of New York is in full support of the mayor’s expansion of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnership.”
“In the year 2022, faith will be the strength needed to free us from fear and encourage all to coexist in peace. This is the true path to happiness and peace,” said Venerable Youwang Shih, president, International Buddhist Progress Society.

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