Our respective faith traditions require that we make moral distinctions in our lives between the permitted and the prohibited. We distinguish between civil discourse and malicious denigration, peaceful protest, and insurrection. We cannot be silent when we hear and see those who willingly violate the core values of our democracy. As faith leaders, we expound from our pulpits and our communities that words have consequences. We understand the responsibility of preaching truth, justice, and lovingkindness. What we say with our mouths may influence what others do with their hands.
We expect that our President and those in positions of leadership to create the common ground upon which we can respectfully disagree with one another without demonizing an opponent as the enemy. The bronze Statue of Freedom crowns the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. as a beacon of hope and union for all Americans. Freedom of speech does not permit or condone incitement or insurgency. The storming of the United States Capitol is unjustifiable and those who perpetrated this violence must be lawfully punished.
We commend our Congressional leaders who in a bipartisan decision reconvened following the desecration and dangerous display of violence to certify the electoral results. They demonstrated to the world that our democracy will not be deterred by anyone seeking its destruction.
We pray that President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will lead our country with decency and dignity so that we may continue to live in a democracy not a mob-ocracy, with room for all to respect one another.
Rev. Dr. A.R. Bernard
Senior Pastor, Christian Cultural Center
Rev. Dr. Chloe Breyer
Executive Director, The Interfaith Center of New York
Rabbi Lester B. Bronstein
Immediate Past President, The New York Board of Rabbis, Inc.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Victor Brown
Suffragan Bishop and Vice President, Worldwide Fellowship of Independent Christian Churches
Rev. Jacques Andre De Graff
Minister, Canaan Baptist Church
Rabbi Diana Gerson
Associate Executive Vice President, The New York Board of Rabbis, Inc.
Dr. Imam Tahir Kukaj
Vice President and Imam, Albanian Islamic Cultural Center
Dr. Uma Mysorekar
President, Hindu Temple Society of North America
Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
Executive Vice President, The New York Board of Rabbis, Inc.
Rabbi Elie Weinstock
Vice President, The New York Board of Rabbis, Inc.
Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn
President, The New York Board of Rabbis, Inc.
Rev. Dr. William Terrence Devlin
CEO, Widows And Orphans/REDEEM!

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