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Selections based on ITunes rankings (February 6, 2021 5am EST), social media and other scores. Listed by religion. Updated regularly (send us suggestions!).


The Bible in a Year (with Father Mike Schmitz of Ascension Catholic Faith Formation)

Each episode is 17-25 minutes in length and features Father Mike reading Scripture aloud and providing some commentary. On February 2, the theme for the reading of Exodus 10-11 was “God is far greater than the Egyptian gods. We discover how God wishes to be worshipped.” 13,572 five-star ratings on iTunes. Incredibly, ranks ahead of iTunes’ favorite, long-running news, commentary, and crime podcasts such as “The Daily” by The New York Times, “Crime Junkie” and “The Ben Shapiro Show.”

Jesus Calling: Stories of Fait‪h with Sarah Young‬

Sarah Young may be hard to find, but her devotional books are everywhere.

The Bible Study Podcast

Chris Christensen provides a weekly bible study podcast (audio show) looking at scripture from a Christian point of view. The Bible Study Podcast is a podcast about what the Bible says. On February 11th, the Podcast was on the Books of Corinthians in the New Testament.

The Alisa Childers Podcast

Alisa Childers is an American singer and songwriter. She is known for being in   the all female Christian music group ZOEgirl. Moved from orthodox Christianity to      Progressive Christianity to Unbelief back to orthodox Christianity.

Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life

Tim Keller, Pastor Emeritus of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and NY Times best-selling author of “The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.” 


First Things magazine interview series with contributing editor Mark Bauerlein. Dr. Josh Packard from the Springtide Research Institute joins the podcast to discuss Springtide’s recent report “The State of Religion and Young People 2020.”


Segal Sentiments. Rabbi Shlomo Segal of Kehilat Moshe of Southern Brooklyn. Short, focused meditations on Judaism, the Torah, and Life.

Beshalach – Taking the plunge. The Jews Escape Israel plunge through the Red Seat. “The Song of the Sea”

The Tikvah Podcast

Podcast: Joel Kotkin Thinks About God and the Pandemic.

Joel Kotkin is not a rabbi or theologian but a social scientist, and he has turned his attention to the world of religion. Kotkin recently published an essay in Quillette, “God and the Pandemic,” and he joins our Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver to talk about that essay, and to assess what’s happening in American religious culture today as the pandemic continues to take its toll. Kotkin, looking at religious life empirically, examines the role of technology and human adaptability in the present religious environment, and he tries to think about the long-term effects COVID-19 will have on synagogues, churches, mosques, and other religious communities across the country.


Tricycle Talks: The Buddhist Review Podcast

Current Podcast: Race-based suffering, resilience, and transformation are at the core of a new collection of “freedom stories” written by Black Buddhist voices. In our latest episode of Tricycle Talks, editor and publisher James Shaheen speaks about what it means to be Black and Buddhist in America with Pamela Ayo Yetunde and Cheryl Giles, coeditors of Black and Buddhist: What Buddhism Can Teach Us      About Race, Resilience, Transformation, and Freedom.

Dharmapunx NYC. Josh Korda, Buddhist counselor and pastor in NYC. Just recovered from COVID.

Tara Brach (Buddhism)

Tara Brach is an American psychologist, author, and proponent of Buddhist meditation. She is a guiding teacher and founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, D.C. Tara earned a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Fielding Institute, with a dissertation exploring meditation as a therapeutic modality in treating addiction. She went on to complete a five-year Buddhist teacher training program at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center.  Ranked #14 on iTunes for “Religion and Spirituality.”


Ram Dass Here And Now


American Muslim Project 

Jawad Ahsan, CFO of Axon, the significant technology & weapons company, has found incredible success despite not following the expected path toward it. This week on AMP we discuss his new leadership book and his thoughts on team building, tasers, and tackling diversity.


The Masculinist Podcast

On Being with Krista Tippett

Krista’s conversation this week with Rabbi Ariel Burger, a student of the late, extraordinary Elie Wiesel, delves into theological and mystical depths that are so much richer and more creative than is often imagined even when that question is raised.

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