Today, we visit Holy Fire Dynamic World International Church, a Ghanaian church that celebrates it joys in the indigenous African language of Akan. Since 1990, there is a new diaspora of Africans in the United States. More Africans have arrived voluntarily than came in chains prior to 1807, the year we outlawed international slave trafficking to our country. On the Sunday that we visited, under blue skies the church’s colorful banners swung in the wind on the top level of a low rise commercial strip. The music was loud enough to be heard on the sidewalk. The door was open leading to a narrow carpeted staircase. Chris, the usher, welcomed us. After several interviews, at 5:30 we bring you a hymn in Akan from a Holy Fire Dynamic Church soloist.

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Thank you for your comments!
Aba – We appreciate your awareness; thank you for your strong aptitude in Akan! Would you be interested in translating the recorded song on the podcast? And maybe you could identify which subcategory of Akan is the language in the song? With your comment, we can delve deeper into the question of how and why this subcategory language of Akan found itself in a Christian church in NYC, as opposed to another subcategory language.
Rosa Maria – Your insightful comment reminds me of a recent article on BBC News regarding the religious origins of forgiveness: As the article pointed out, forgiveness was a religious pursuit until it recently became a theme in the area of psychology. Yesterday, some of us celebrated the resurrection of Jesus after he died for our sins, perhaps the one thing that we can all benefit from on this special day is not only a sense of acknowledgment and gratitude of Jesus’ self-sacrifice, but also to forgive ourselves of our sins. What does it mean to forgive ourselves? I do agree with you that it requires responsibility, first and foremost.
Akan is the umbrella term for different subcategories. Which subcategory are you referring to? Also, the pronunciation of the languages need correction.
This problem is a karmic action in 1807, Ghana became slaves to the U.S.. an error since Lincond qualified to write the Declaration of Independence, well written, very clear but confused on the religious level. Let us be consistent and understand that before Jesus was born and religion, which the Babylonians first began writing about God, then the Egyptians before the Babylonians already had religion, and do not stop those who have not yet understood but the fire, the only way to survive were nice. Now the evangelical fringe groups that are born in Europe, singing the greatness of Jesus Christ and God the Father, but that really take advantage of the weaknesses and faith of the human being marginalized and unhappy living in the Broms (District of New yoirk) or marginalized in the Madrid plot. And it is well to create lies.
Jesus came to earth to tell the truth about his Father, and the truth told by each of us in his own way. Ie there can be no religious institution but personal responsibility in religion. God charts a path for each of us. Somo of us who have to understand the way God draws us individually without sins, seven deadly sins has its mirror in the seven virtues, Let us be wise as God teaches us not as men want to manipulate.
God creates a way for one individual, it has to do with politics, the economy or with an institutionalized religion, but only and exclusively to His Word, Word that everyone plays as he is told without violence as a General Commandments of God is “not kill.” Do not steal, not covet your neighbor’s wife, not use the name of God in vain “etc.etc. Why is this as if God speaks to man individually?. Why do we hear the word at a general level when God gives an individual?. We are lazy, irresponsible, if not we understand that God speaks and we listen, prefer to focus all on one person as with the Egyptians dominate and subjugate us to their will, or prefer to be free? We chose .
Let us be responsible. free thinkers, God gave us free will, not let someone like us as wise as ignorant or manipulate us, blackmail us, or try as if God bless.
God bless each of their children. Unfortunately, their children do not accept God’s blessing if not the “stupid or clever turn next to take advantage of it and this guy is left.” I say again we are consistent with ourselves, is not that hard, learn to forgive but above all to forgive, to be listened to and listen to God.
God protect us from hypocrites and whited sepulchres. Let us be responsible and let us love TRUE LOVE WHAT GOD GAVE U.S. AND ASKED. AMEN.
Este problema es una acción kármica, en 1807, llegaron esclavos de Ghana a EEUU. un error calificado desde que Lincond escribiera la declaración de independencia; bien escrita, bien clara pero confundida a nivel religioso. Seamos consecuentes y entendamos que antes de que Jesús naciera ya había religión, primero los Babilónicos los que comenzaron a escribir sobre Dios, después los Egipcios que antes que los babilónicos ya tenían religión, y no dejemos de contar con los que aún no habían comprendido mas que el fuego, la única forma agradable que tenían de sobrevivir. Ahora los evangélicos, grupos marginales que nacen en Europa, cantando las grandezas de Jesucristo y de Dios Padre, pero que realmente se aprovechan de las deficiencias y de la fe del ser humano marginado y triste que vive en el Broms ( Barrio de New yoirk) o en la parcela marginada de Madrid. Y ya está bien de generar mentiras. Jesús vino al mundo para contar la verdad de su Padre, y esa verdad nos la cuenta a cada uno de nosotros a su manera. Es decir no puede haber institución Religiosa sino responsabilidad personal en la religión. Dios traza un camino para cada uno de nosotros. Somo nosotros los que tenemos que comprender el camino que Dios nos traza a nivel individual sin pecados, los siete pecados capitales tienen su espejo en las siete virtudes, Seamos sabios como Dios nos enseña y no como los hombres quieren manipularnos.
Dios crea un camino para uno individualmente , no tiene que ver con la política, con la economía o con una religión institucionalizada, sino solo y exclusivamente con SU Palabra, Palabra que cada uno interpreta tal y como se le dice, sin violencia ya que uno de los Mandamientos generales de Dios es “NO MATARAS”. No Robaras, No desearás la mujer del prójimo, NO Utilizaras el NOMBRE DE DIOS EN VANO” etc.etc. ¿ Porque se hace esto como si Dios NO hablara al Hombre individualmente?. ¿ Porqué queremos escuchar la palabra a nivel general cuando Dios nos la da a nivel individual?. Somos vagos, irresponsables, cuando no entendemos que Dios nos habla y debemos escuchar, Preferimos centrar todo en una persona que como con los egipcios nos domine y nos subyugue a su voluntad? o preferimos ser libres? Nosotros elegimos.
Seamos responsables. libre pensadores, Dios nos entregó el Libre Albedrío, no dejemos que alguien igual que nosotros tan ignorante o tan sabio nos manipule, nos extorsione, o trate de bendecirnos como si fuese Dios.
Dios bendice a cada uno de sus hijos. Pero por desgracia, sus Hijos no aceptan la bendición de Dios si no la del “tonto o listo de turno que viene a aprovecharse de él y este individuo se deja”. Vuelvo a decir seamos consecuentes con nosotros mismos, no es tan difícil, aprendamos a perdonar pero sobre todo a perdonarnos, para ser escuchados y escuchar a Dios.
Dios nos proteja de hipócritas y de sepulcros blanqueados. Seamos responsables y AMEMOS CON AMOR VERDADERO LO QUE DIOS NOS DIO Y NOS PIDE . AMEN.
gratulalok, zoltan
Excellent work!
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