Over the last few years, the religious groups of Manchester, England have been working to build partnerships that recognize the fact that their city is a postsecular city. For a couple of years, A Journey through NYC religions has been working with a European group, partly based in Manchester, England, to re-imagine the necessary social infrastructure of the cities of Europe which are becoming postsecular.
The fastest growing religious groups in Manchester are the evangelicals, the Black-Majority churches, Jews, Muslims, and the Not Religious.
The European Postsecular scholars have visited The Bowery Mission, churches, and other religious centers to learn how faith-based groups and the public sector can work together to respond to emergencies. In two weeks, the NYC Mayor’s Office for Faith and Community Partnerships will be testing an emergency faith-based first responders network. Their preparations are more needed than ever.
A Journey through NYC religions is here providing the first U.S. news media coverage of the faith-based responses to the terrorist bombing:
Ezekiel 36:35: ‘This land that was laid waste has become like the garden of Eden; the cities that were lying in ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified and inhabited.’ — slogan of the Eden Project to rebuild community in Manchester, England
Ivy Church in Manchester is drawing upon the strength in the words of Reverend Tim Keller’s sermon after 911 in New York City:
MEND (Muslim Engagement and Development) is calling on Muslims and all communities to come together to raise funds for the families of those affected by the tragic events in the Manchester Arena last night.
Donations will be used to financially assist the families of those affected by this tragedy. Although MEND have set up this fund, it will appoint a leading local law or accountancy firm to administer and distribute all funds.
“In reacting to evil do not be overcome by evil yourself.” Romans 12:20-21. Provided by Rev. Kevin Williams, Grace Fellowship Manchester @WilliamsKevin

Praying for our city. Christ Church, Manchester @christchurchmcr
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