Sunday at 7:30 pm our television program kicks off!



Notes on Journey television

When producer Brian Finnerty came to us with the idea that we should launch a television program, we were interested but thought of all the hurdles. Can we assemble a great crew? Brian certainly came through with a great volunteer crew!



Where would we produce the program? MNN (Manhattan Neighborhood Network) is providing the studio space and air time. The network gave us a great monthly time slot starting on Sunday, April 14th, 7:30pm – 8:00pm.

After a few practice runs, we were ready to go.



Our first guest is Lauren Green, Chief Religion Correspondent of Fox News Channel. Good thing too! She is such a pro so that a rookie like me is just soaking up all the lessons. Take a look at our preview and you will see what I mean!

We will feature a variety of interesting New Yorkers to talk about faith in the city, consistent with our principles of nonsectarian, nonpartisan sympathetic objectivity.

You can watch us streaming on The Spirit Channel of or

cable channels:  FIOS 35, RCN 84, SPECTRUM 1897.

Our next hurdle is to raise enough money to pay our expenses, which are modest. Would you consider donating (tax deductible) $25?

Click here to donate.

PS — Your donation would be a vote of confidence that we should continue Journey TV.



Or click here for streaming on MNN.ORG at 7:30pm to 8:00pm, Sunday, May 14th

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