Unnerving. Illustration by A Journey through NYC religions

We are truly at ground zero here in Elmhurst, Queens.

The hospital, within our walking distance, is swarming with sick people out on the sidewalks. There are no more beds for the infected, though no one is being put on the street. The hospital is converting its rooms just to handle the coronavirus victims. Every night there are a dozen or more deaths from the coronavirus at the hospital. You can hear the ambulances whizzing by. Sometimes, an ambulance comes down our street.

Everyone holds their breath. Neighbors say hello from across the street. The Con Ed guys, bless them, are doing repairs under the street.

Day before yesterday, it was a rainy, grey day. Today the day was shades of grey. Doves cluster in the trees around us. It is midnight here. What will the morning bring? A very sick friend emails that he is praying for us. God bless, Dan.

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