218 Kingston Avenue, Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Still there on June 8, 2022, as strikingly relevant as ever. Photo: Tony Carnes/A Journey through NYC religions

On this day ten years ago, the Journey Team of Melissa Kimiadi, Pauline Dolle, and Tony Carnes visited nine religious sites in Crown Heights. From time to time, we have revisited the sites. Now, we are doing a journey down Kingston Avenue once again!

In Matthew 24, Jesus talked about the Troubles of our ages and how he promised to return to establish eternal; peace, love, and order. In Matthew 24:30, he says “The Son of Man” will appear. This is commonly thought to be a reference to Jesus and his Second Coming at the end of the ages. Likewise, the prophet Daniel wrote in his book, chapter 7, verses 13 and 14, “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven.” These Biblical passages are vivid poetic words that rhyme with the sounds of troubled times, yet offer certainty that if you are with the One. you will ride the storm.

Do you wonder what storms the inhabitant at 218 Kingston Avenue has been through? Certainty of salvation has been maintained on this street for over ten years.

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